Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Helps Men & Women

Your hormones affect every system in your body…ultimately affecting every area of your life. At our Omaha, Nebraska health and med spa, pellet therapy is the solution for many people suffering from the symptoms caused by hormonal imbalance. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is a natural, plant-based treatment for those who experience fluctuating hormones.
Many of us are familiar with the basic hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that has been in use for years to treat menopause in women and age-related hormone decline in men. Traditional HRT, typically prescribed as gel, injections, or pill form, uses artificial or synthetic hormones to trick the body into thinking hormones are balanced. But were you aware that Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, is 99.9% chemically identical to the natural hormones our bodies produce, and dosing can be tailored to each patient’s particular hormonal insufficiencies? This method results in a more customized approach and better outcomes.
Hormones are chemicals created by glands in your endocrine system and a hormonal imbalance takes place when your body produces more or less of a hormone than what your body needs. Numerous factors influence hormone production including age, medications, supplements, diet, exercise, surgical history, and fertility history. Too much or too little of a hormone can have moderate to severe effects on the body, and consequently, one’s overall quality of life. In our Omaha, Nebraska med spa, we are here to help you achieve hormonal balance and feel your best with bio-identical pellet therapy.
Due to their importance to your body’s overall function, as mentioned, the smallest imbalance can cause serious side effects throughout your body. Common symptoms of hormone imbalance that may disrupt your daily function include fatigue, weight gain, irritability, mood swings, depression, lack of motivation, loss of libido, trouble sleeping, memory problems, brain fog, loss of muscle tone, decreased activity tolerance, osteoporosis, urinary tract infections, arthritis, and urinary incontinence. For women specifically, vaginal dryness, lack of sexual response, painful intercourse can also be the result of low hormones. Male specific symptoms may include erectile dysfunction, decreased sexual endurance and prostate issues. Reaching out to our health and med spa is a great way to start addressing these issues. Each patient works closely with our care team to establish a customized plan that focuses on their specific needs. No two people’s hormones are the same which means individualized hormone replacement is essential.

- Pellet therapy uses hormones that are bioidentical (99.9% identical) to those found in the human body, and they are custom compounded to an individual’s unique needs.
- Pellet therapy offers consistent administration of hormones and can address the rollercoaster-like effects that are common with other forms of hormone replacement (injections, pills, creams).
- About the size of a grain of rice and inserted subcutaneously, these tiny pellets are absorbed strictly as the body calls upon them, gradually being absorbed, dispersing hormones throughout the body.
- They are dosed precisely according to the individual’s unique chemical requirements, evaluated via symptom scoring and routine lab testing, and help optimize each person’s specific hormone levels.
- Results are typically noticed around week 4 of treatment and continued improvement is expected over the first 2-3 months.

Low testosterone or low estrogen are the precursors to requiring BHRT pellet therapy. Menopause in women, and andropause in men are reason enough to seek treatment using this method of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. Changes that have been documented by recipients in Omaha, Nebraska and nationwide include an improved mood, renewed energy and strength, weight loss, reinvigorated libido and sexual response, and better sleep, focus, general clarity and more!
Were you aware men can suffer from their own version of menopause, too? Andropause, male menopause, can have many antecedents, some manifesting in a similar fashion to what women experience. The signs can include erectile dysfunction, hair loss, decreased libido, fatigue or lack of energy, night sweats or hot flashes, memory loss, mood swings or irritability, heart palpitations, muscle loss or weakness, sleep apnea or insomnia, depression or anxiety, constipation, or increased bowel movements, and/or increased body fat, and gynecomastia (development of breasts in men).
Bioidentical hormones for men match the natural hormones in the body molecule by molecule, making them precise duplications of the male hormones that the body naturally produces. Natural bioidentical hormones like testosterone, estrogen and progesterone are easily metabolized, allowing the body to incorporate them without the negative side effects often associated with synthetic hormones.

Whether you’ve watched your mother as she suffered from a hormonal imbalance, discussed it with your sister or friend, or have experienced it yourself, this condition is no laughing matter. You likely understand the multiple ways a hormonal imbalance can affect a woman’s life and are familiar with the many medications historically prescribed to mask the symptoms, but never address the root cause. The many signs that a woman’s hormones may be off-kilter include heart palpitations, racing or bounding heartbeat, unexplained weight gain or weight loss, fatigue, constipation, dry skin, ongoing acne, belly fat issues, irregular periods, headaches, migraines, hair loss/thinning hair, sleep problems, numbness and tingling in your hands, high cholesterol levels, and mood disturbances that may include, depression, anxiety, irritability and mood swings.
As we described above for men, we also customize the formulation of our bioidentical hormone pellets so that they are structured to be identical to the hormones made by our female patients’ bodies. No chemicals, like in synthetic replacements, means none of the negative, and sometimes dangerous side effects, hence the name “bio-identical.”
Bioidentical hormones are made from compounds found in plants like wild yam or soybeans. The plant-based hormones are processed to hold an identical structure to hormones produced by your body. Each patient’s symptoms are unique, and so is each person’s path to hormone optimization through Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. While most BHRT patients report some relief in as soon as four weeks, full hormone optimization may take up to six months or more. At our med spa in Omaha, Nebraska, the bioidentical hormones used for the hormone replacement pellet therapy are customized to fit each person’s specific needs. You will have initial lab tests performed in our facility to determine viability for the treatment, levels of imbalance, etc. Your results will be reviewed with you by one of our highly trained medical providers and if appropriate you’ll schedule your first pellet treatment.
Whether you’re male or female, if you’re suffering you owe it to yourself to reach out and schedule your hormone consultation at either our Omaha or Columbus, Nebraska clinics, knowing that we are expertly trained in treatments to restore your vitality and invigorate your life.
As we described above for men, we also customize the formulation of our bioidentical hormone pellets so that they are structured to be identical to the hormones made by our female patients’ bodies. No chemicals, like in synthetic replacements, means none of the negative, and sometimes dangerous side effects, hence the name “bio-identical.”
At Allure Health & Med Spa we recognize that aging is a natural, inevitable process. However, simply accepting that diminishing health is “a part of life” is no longer the prevailing attitude! Bringing your hormones back into balance, naturally, is just one of our many specialties. Allure Health & Med Spa performs thorough, comprehensive testing and uses that information to customize each individual’s formula, to bring hormone imbalance back into sync. We strive to help our patients feel their best at any age. The bioidentical hormones that Allure Health & Med Spa’s certified providers use are custom compounded and made in the United States. The pharmacies providing pellets employ rigorous standards and practices to ensure the sterility and potency of every pellet batch distributed.
Whether you’re male or female, if you’re suffering you owe it to yourself to reach out and schedule your hormone consultation at either our Omaha or Columbus, Nebraska clinics, knowing that we are expertly trained in treatments to restore your vitality and invigorate your life.
As we described above for men, we also customize the formulation of our bioidentical hormone pellets so that they are structured to be identical to the hormones made by our female patients’ bodies. No chemicals, like in synthetic replacements, means none of the negative, and sometimes dangerous side effects, hence the name “bio-identical.”
Are you ready to bring your hormones back into balance, naturally? Call today for a consultation 402.881.3638!
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